
Buddha taught that giving is the foundational practice for those who wish to become a bodhisattva. Though not the most important form of generosity, giving material resources can help us achieve our mission to teach the skills of mental and spiritual awareness, benefiting people worldwide.

Your donation of any size contributes to the long-term growth and stability of the Dharmakaya organization.

How To Give
Dharmakaya depends on the generosity of our retreatants, friends and benefactors. Your contribution helps support the Center, as well as teachings given and shared worldwide. We are grateful for your gifts. Click below to donate via credit card or Pay Pal.


Join us in building this Center where teachings in Vajrayana Buddhism will be the center of life, and people at all levels of interest can find peace. We are blessed with a $2.5 million matching fund, so every dollar you give is doubled.

To donate by check or money order, please mail your contribution to:

Dharmakaya Center
Attention: Development
155 Buff Road
Cochecton, NY 12726

To donate via wire transfer, please contact


Making a bequest to Dharmakaya provides an important legacy for the future, ensuring that these teachings are available for generations to come. If you would like to find out more about including Dharmakaya in your will or living trust, creating a charitable gift annuity or making a gift through an IRA Charitable Rollover, please contact us by calling 845.932.8330 or emailing

Giving your time and talent is a core part of Buddhist practice—and as Dharmakaya grows, such assistance is increasingly valuable to us. Indeed, we rely on volunteers to staff activities from cooking and housework to book-keeping and website maintenance.

Please call us at 845.932.8330 or email us at to learn how your skills can help advance Dharmakaya’s work and mission.

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