While the Dharmakaya Organization is based in New York, we offer teachings, practice groups and retreats worldwide. Our affiliate organization in New York state’s Catskills provides a peaceful refuge for study, and welcomes retreatants of all skill levels and for varying lengths of study. Additionally, individual practice groups dot the globe, where people gather weekly to meditate together.
Dharmakaya Center for Wellbeing
On a beautifully wooded hillside in the village of Cragsmoor, New York, the Dharmakaya Center for Wellbeing offers afternoon and weekend programs, short-term retreats for individuals and groups, and traditional longer-term retreats for dedicated practitioners, it will be a place for the transmission of ancient Buddhist teachings in ways that are responsive to a 21st Century way of life.
Local Groups
Many people find it enhances their practice to belong to a community of fellow practitioners. In cities around the world, Dharmakaya groups meet to meditate and study Buddhist teachings; often members have been personally inspired by Trungram Gyaltrul Rinpoche. Attendance is free and everyone is welcome to participate.
Mindfulness Retreats
Cultivating mindfulness is an expression of self-love. Through it, we are better able to understand ourselves—and our emotions—so we are no longer victims of our circumstances. Instead of reacting, we are able to simply respond. Mindfulness becomes a guardian, protecting us from wrongdoing that hurts both ourselves and others. In retreats, we train ourselves to incorporate mindfulness more fully in our daily lives.

Life is complex, puzzling and often painful.
Sometimes it seems there must be a better way
to manage—and there is. It is as simple as looking
at a problem through a different lens.