Buddhist monk finds Google, Facebook might hold the key to eternal happiness

Rinpoche paid visits to Google and Facebook last week, accompanied by Mercury News columnist Mike Cassidy. Cassidy's article describes not the explosive culture clash he had feared, but a meeting—and opening—of minds. To see a PDF of the article, please click: MercuryNews_opt Because the PDF is difficult to read in some parts, we are including the full text here:   MOUNTAIN VIEW -- As I drove to the Googleplex to meet Trungram Gyaltrul Rinpoche, I was pretty sure I was headed to that place where ... Read more

Got a Sec? Mindfulness as Simple as 1-2-3.

RINPOCHE TELLS OPENING SESSION AT VIRGINIA TECH CONFERENCE ON CONTEMPLATIVE PRACTICES BLACKSBURG, VA.— Delivering the keynote speech at an academic conference on meditation, Trungram Gyaltrul Rinpoche Ph.D. told attendees people could transform their lives by using the Three Moment Method™ to anchor their minds in the present and avoid constant distractions. “How much better would our lives be if we could gain control of our minds, if our minds were not enslaved by all of the information and distractions,” Rinpoche said during a nearly ... Read more