A year of invisible progress

Rinpoche wrote this piece for the Huffington Post, where he is chronicling the relief efforts in Nepal. Please visit that site to read the complete article. To the casual observer, it seems like nothing has happened in Nepal over the last year. But looks can be deceiving. A year ago, a series of earthquakes shook the very core of Nepal, killing thousands and leaving tens of thousands without food, shelter or medical care. Reading last weekend’s news reports, it seems that very little progress has been made. ... Read more

The Kindness Cure

David Desteno, professor of psychology at Northeastern University, writes in The Atlantic, that Mindfulness meditation is best known for its positive effects on our brains and bodies. Its most powerful influence, however, may be on our sense of compassion. He interviewed Rinpoche for the article, and cites their conversation. Read the full article here: How Mindfulness Meditation Builds Compassion - The Atlantic Read more

Talk: Mindfulness Fuels Negotiation Success

CLEARWATER, FLORIDA--Professors. Psychologists. Professional Mediators. From around the world, they gathered for the 28th Annual Conference of the International Association of Conflict Management, June 28-July 1, 2015. On the first day of the conference, Rinpoche helped attendees start their day with a brief teaching and guided meditation session from 6:30-7:45 AM. In the afternoon, he joined the IACM Executive Director and Ross School of Business professor Shirli Kopelman in presenting a novel session entitled: Leading with Emotion: Mindfulness Practices Fuel Negotiation Success. People ... Read more


宗南嘉楚仁波切於 2015 年 6 月 23 日刊登於「哈芬登郵報」,探討如何幫助失怙的兒童。 上週當我與阿諾蕊達•柯伊勒拉(Anuradha Koirala)在她的辦公室之時,有人跑進來告知她的「邁蒂尼泊爾」組織才剛在邊界救出一個差點被人口販賣到印度的女孩。這種事情經常發生。 長期救援工作就像解開拼圖一般,要能解決問題、創造福祉,並且不會造成更複雜的問題。你必須從每一個角度觀察問題,才能瞭解每個行動可能帶來的影響。當我們幫助尼泊爾人的同時,我與許多積極幫助地震災民的工作人員交談,也到處拜訪位於加德滿都的診所、學校、和孩童宿舍,這讓我學到官僚作風和人性醜陋面帶來的挑戰。我也親眼看到問題的直接證據,我們知道它們存在但過去沒有直接接觸到的問題---例如人口販賣。 閱讀更多 Read more

Is an Earthquake an Opportunity for Transformation?

Rinpoche wrote this piece for the Huffington Post, where he is chronicling the relief efforts in Nepal. Please visit that site to read the complete article. In the wake of a disaster, there is a desperate immediate need for food, shelter, medicine and other aid. But in the longer term, entire systems may need to be rebuilt. And in that rebuilding, there may be an opportunity to make something truly positive from tragedy. I believe that this opportunity exits in Nepal today. It is an opportunity ... Read more

The Best Disaster Relief Fosters Independence

Rinpoche wrote this piece for the Huffington Post, where he is chronicling the relief efforts in Nepal. Please visit that site to read the complete article. It’s quiet in Kathmandu these days. For the last 20 years the city has been overpopulated with tourists and guest workers, all of whom have left, so it’s emptier. But it’s more than that. The quiet relates to a sense of fear. I feel fear from everyone here: young, old, male, female, regardless of background or social standing. It shows ... Read more

The Spiritual Core in Ruins

Rinpoche wrote this piece for the Huffington Post, where he is chronicling the relief efforts in Nepal. Please visit that site to read the complete article.   People are in trauma everywhere in Nepal. Like a doctor in an emergency room, aid workers are focused on the most immediate needs first: food, shelter and medical care. But people’s dignity and culture are equally important—and equally at risk. In Kathmandu, I spent an afternoon with number of leaders, including the President of the World League for Freedom and Democracy ... Read more

Trungram Foundation Actively Involved in Earthquake Relief

The Kathmandu Post actively praised the efforts of Rinpoche and Buddhist Relief Services in an article describing their food distribution efforts. The story was picked up by news media around the globe. Read the article here: Trungram Foundation actively involved in Barpak | Earthquake Relief   Read more

Food to the Mountaintop: Feeding Disaster Victims in Nepal

Rinpoche wrote this piece for the Huffington Post, where he is chronicling the relief efforts in Nepal. Please visit that site to read the complete article. Visit Buddhist Relief Services Facebook page to see a photo-essay of the journey. On Wednesday I went to Barpak, Nepal's largest village. The region is one of the most beautiful on earth, with the snow-covered Himalayan mountains stretching in front of you like a curtain. But when you look down on the ground, what you see ... Read more

Scenes from Nepal: The Disaster Continues

Rinpoche wrote this piece for the Huffington Post, where he is chronicling the relief efforts in Nepal. Please visit that site to read the complete post. Friday night I landed in Kathmandu. In baggage claim, an officer told me most of the dead are old people or women. I asked, ‘Why?’ Because the first earthquake was on a Saturday. Although most schools collapsed, the children weren’t in them. It happened midday, so the men were out in the fields. But in Nepal, women are ... Read more
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