Talk: Mindfulness Fuels Negotiation Success

CLEARWATER, FLORIDA–Professors. Psychologists. Professional Mediators. From around the world, they gathered for the 28th Annual Conference of the International Association of Conflict Management, June 28-July 1, 2015.

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On the first day of the conference, Rinpoche helped attendees start their day with a brief teaching and guided meditation session from 6:30-7:45 AM. In the afternoon, he joined the IACM Executive Director and Ross School of Business professor Shirli Kopelman in presenting a novel session entitled: Leading with Emotion: Mindfulness Practices Fuel Negotiation Success.

People often think that emotion has no place in either business situations or meditation practices. But, as Rinpoche and Kopelman explained, those people are wrong. Emotions can be very powerful resources, as long as you know how to use them effectively, rather than having your emotions “use” or control you.

Kopelman, author of Negotiating Genuinely: Being Yourself in Business, conceptually grounded the session with her positive theoretical model for negotiations. Rinpoche explained the the Three Moment Method, a way to recognize and untether from one’s emotions. A robust 45-minute Question and Answer session concluded the talk, with people wanting to understand more about the application of the Three Moment Method, as well as the opportunities to conduct empirical research on the topic.
