Compassion & Wisdom Retreat

MAY 3, 2015. GARRISON, NEW YORK. The Garrison Institute was in the full bloom of spring as over 40 retreatants met to learn about Compassion and Wisdom: The Dual Pillars of Buddhism.


Each morning began with a walking meditation through the garden overlooking the banks of the Hudson, setting the tone for a day of Rinpoche’s teachings bracketed by silent and guided meditations. The curriculum began with the tools necessary to develop a consistent daily practice, moved through techniques to create positive mental energy and let go of the attachments that cause suffering, and provided tools to help retreatants develop their innate compassion through teachings and meditations. At each day’s end, retreatants gathered in small groups to discuss their learnings, their questions, their feelings and perceptions.

Rinpoche, Compassion & Wisdom Retreat 2015


The experience was summed up by the formal thanks offered to Rinpoche on our final day:

Rinpoche, thank you for these teachings…

You have given us a precious gift… You have taught us how to practice like a physician.

By being mindful and aware, we are now better able to take our own temperature and pulse—and to make the adjustments needed for the path…

You have told us, You need balance in practice.

That there is more to being a physician than just helping ourselves…

That we need to be able to read the heartbeat of others… to do whatever we can to be helpful, caring— and to release suffering…

As our spiritual friend you encourage possibilities without limitations…

Even though we are in the “long dream” – you teach us that we should not give into fear or doubt…

But instead… Practice… Stabilize… and Investigate….

You teach us that stability through meditation can change the course of our lives and those around us…

And that by nurturing wisdom and compassion, we can overcome anything and everything—from the beginning of our journey to the end…

Please accept our gratitude and deepest thank you for sharing your kindness.
