Discovering the Dharma 2014

Rinpoche teaching at Discovering the Dharma 2014

Rinpoche teaching at Discovering the Dharma 2014

SEPTEMBER 24, 2014. GARRISON, NEW YORK. In a magical setting on the banks of the Hudson River, retreatants spent six transformative days Discovering the Dharma. Each morning began with a walking meditation through the gardens, under the bamboo branches, setting the tone for a day of Rinpoche’s teachings bracketed by silent and guided meditations. The curriculum detailed the steps on the path to enlightenment—from the stages along the path to the practices and meditations critical at each juncture. Rinpoche provided additional teachings on the mind of ignorance and insight and the teacher-student relationship. At each day’s end, retreatants gathered in small groups to discuss their learnings, their questions, their feelings and perceptions.

The experience was summed up by the formal thanks offered to Rinpoche on our final day:

Rinpoche, we would like to thank you for these teachings.
You have challenged us to contemplate everything—
From the vastness of our human potential to the smallest piece of time.
Through analysis and meditation, you have provided us with a cloak and walking stick that will support and protect us through our entire journey.
You have given us a detailed map and have taught us how to use a compass.
These is so our detours will be few and we will recognize the land we travel through.

When asked, you say, “This is all good, but not enough; you need Heart.”

Your shepherd-like Bodhichitta inspires us to not give up on any being.
We are responsible for everyone’s journey—not just our own.
We don’t progress through blind faith, but through patience and determination,
With eyes open and heart full—
joyful, because we understand the path and the work ahead

Rinpoche, we are forever thankful you are a friend to us on our Bodhisattva journey.
We are blessed to have such a companion.

Join us for the next Discovering the Dharma retreat, April 29-May 3, 2015 at the Garrison Institute.
