
Rinpoche addresses insurance salesmen on achieving resilience in the face of stress

On July 3, 2014 Taiwan’s Mercury Insurance Company invited Rinpoche to speak to a meeting of more than 700 of their sales agents. The topic: how to remain resilient in the face of stress. These agents’ jobs are inherently stressful; that is a given. But by cultivating awareness, Rinpoche taught, they can be better able to deal with the stress. Rinpoche went on to share the Three Moment Method™ as a technique they can use in their work and in their ... Read more

Celebration Charity Dinner provides guests truly meaningful evening

On June 28, 2014, two hundred and fifty guests—from China and Hong Kong, Brunei and Indonesia, and, of course, Malaysia—gathered at the Empire Hotel, Subang Jaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, for a celebration charity dinner in honor of Rinpoche and the work of the Dharmakaya Organization. Although all the guests are new to Vajrayana Buddhism and most had never met Rinpoche, ticket sales were brisk, with the normal tables selling out in just ten days. The elegant dinner began with a welcome ... Read more

Gala dinner in Hong Kong raises essential funds for the Milarepa Center

The sign read: Dharma Flourishing Dinner: Continuing the Legacy of Centuries of Meditation Lineage. It was Hong Kong’s second gala dinner in support of the Milarepa Center, held June 21, 2014, and its purpose and spirit were captured in Rinpoche's speech. Organizing Committee! Distinguished Guests! Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to this important night. It is a great pleasure for me to be with all of you this evening. I see so many of you again from last year and I also see ... Read more

Cornerstone Blessing for the Milarepa Center

On July 25th at 10:00 in the morning, an auspicious day and time chosen by Rinpoche, a small group gathered at the top of the retreat center land to bless the soon-to-be start of construction for the four new buildings of the Milarepa Center. Two stones—one marked 2014 for the Gregorian year, one marked 2557 for the Buddha era—were propped before an altar. These were the cornerstones of the new building, which the members of Dharmakaya and Cragsmoor neighbors had come ... Read more