Rinpoche addresses insurance salesmen on achieving resilience in the face of stress

On July 3, 2014 Taiwan’s Mercury Insurance Company invited Rinpoche to speak to a meeting of more than 700 of their sales agents. The topic: how to remain resilient in the face of stress. These agents’ jobs are inherently stressful; that is a given. But by cultivating awareness, Rinpoche taught, they can be better able to deal with the stress. Rinpoche went on to share the Three Moment Method™ as a technique they can use in their work and in their personal lives. The talk was received with gratitude.

Rinpoche speaks to over 700 Mercury Life Insurance agents

Rinpoche speaks to over 700 Mercury Life Insurance agents

Three days later, Rinpoche gave a subsequent talk to a select group of more than 45 Taiwanese business people.

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Please visit our Facebook Page to see more photos from these events.
